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Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Im Veranstaltungsarchiv finden Sie – chronologisch sortiert – Rückblicke und Dokumentationen zu vergangenen Veranstaltungen mit Beteiligung des Smart City Dialogs. Informieren Sie sich hier über die Veranstaltungsformate und -inhalte, mit denen die Smart-City-Initiativen des Bundes den Wissensaustausch und die Fach-Community fördern.

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Ihre Suche ergab 63 Treffer.
Eine Deckfolie beschriftet mit Online Advisory Programme of the International Smart Cities Network
17.08.21, 00:00

3rd Event of the Online Advisory Programme

The global exchange in the International Smart Cities Network (ISCN) continues! The most recent event of the Online Advisory Programme (OAP) took place on 17 August 2021.
Eine Deckfolie beschriftet mit Online Advisory Programme of the International Smart Cities Network
23.06.21, 00:00

2nd Event of the Online Advisory Programme

The journey continues! On 23 June the second event of the Online Advisory Programme of the International Smart Cities Network (ISCN) took place. Building on the results and learning from the first event, this time the focus was on how we can engage citizen participation already in the strategy development for the digital transformation in our cities.
Eine Deckfolie beschriftet mit Online Advisory Programme of the International Smart Cities Network
27.04.21, 00:00

Online Advisory Programme of the ISCN

How can cities successfully involve citizens in the development of future-oriented urban districts? And how can cities participate in a self-determined and co-creative way in smart urban development strategies? The partners of the International Smart Cities Network (ISCN) exchanged views on these issues at the first event of the Online Advisory Programme on 27 April 2021.